Hippsc Exgrip

Hippsc Exgrip Exgrip Series  Hippsc Tool Holders Hippsc Exgrip Exgrip Series  Hippsc Tool Holders

HIPPSC Dream Series tool, CNC VideoHigh speed rotary CNC cutter, DREAM SERIES, HIPPSC precision tool

EXGRIP Tool Holder Naming Rule
EXGRIP Shrink Fit Extension Naming Rule
EXGRIP Threaded Tool Rod Naming Rule

EXGRIP Tool Bar With Adjustable Dia Naming Rule
EXGRIP Milling Cutter Naming Rule
EXGRIP Taper Milling Cutter
EXGRIP Carbide End Milling Cutter Naming Rule

BT40-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K3)
BT40-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (KP)
BT40-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K5)

BT50-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K3)
BT50-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (KP)
BT50-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K5)

HSK63A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K3)
HSK63A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (KP)
HSK63A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K5)

HSK100A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K3)
HSK100A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (KP)
HSK100A-DM EXGRIP Threaded Tool Holder (K5)

DM-SR/SRS EXGRIP Shrink Fit Extension (K3&K5)
DM-SRD EXGRIP Shrink Fit Extension (K3&K5)

DM-M EXGRIPT Threaded Tool Rod (K3&K5)

DM-DM EXGRIP Tool Bar With Adjustable dia (K3&K5)
EXGRIP Taper Milling Ctter (K3&K5)

EXGRIP Taper Milling Cutter (K3&K5)
EXBK EXGRIP Milling Cutter

EXRK EXGRIP Milling Cutter 
EXBN EXGRIP Milling Cutter

EXRN EXGRIP Milling Cutter
EXBM EXGRIP Milling Cutter

EXRM EXGRIP Milling Cutter
EXBH EXGRIP Milling Cutter

EXRH EXGRIP Milling Cutter
Carbide Round Nose End Milling Cutter Head

Carbide Spherical End Milling Cutter Head 
Carbide Solid End Milling Cutter Head

Carbide Round Nose End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Spherical End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Solid End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Round Nose End Milling Cutter Head

Carbide Spherial End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Solid End Milling Cutter Head

Carbide Round Nose End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Spherical End Milling Cutter Head
Carbide Solid End Milling Cutter Head
Shrink Fit Heating Machine

Carbide Rod Extension (Straight Shank)
Carbide Rod Extension (Step Shank)

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